Debbie De Goose became an international star when she wrote her own stories of hopeless love. Based on her real behavior, her stories became so popular that news stations came to film her. She was found as a young 2-day-old gosling all alone. An elderly woman fed her and raised her for 3 months on her lap. Sadly, the woman passed away and her family brought her to the Funny Farm knowing she would never survive on her own.
Debbie fell in love with the UPS man she dubbed, “Dreamy Stevie” because he had a smile bright enough to light up an entire chicken coop! She would never let him leave and would tell him story after story until he would pick her up and hold her in his arms.
Debbie De Goose would wait for hours and hours until Dreamy Stevie would come. The story went viral and was seen on news stations all around the country. Soon, UPS would frown on Debbie being picked up as they have a no holding animals’ policy. A few years later, she would meet a wild goose named Henry and they fell in love. Neither of them like other geese. Henry was good at listening and laughed at her stories no matter how many times he’s heard them! It is rare to see Debbie without Henry.