Yogi is a 2000lb Jersey Steer and his best friend is a small alpaca named Cooper. The are inseparable. One day, a child was feeding them some carrots though the fence. Like brothers sometime do, Yogi pushed Cooper away to get the carrots. He forgot he had big giant horns and accidently injured his best friend. We rushed Cooper to the veterinary hospital where he spent a week. As soon as we loaded Cooper in the truck, Yogi cried and cried. He didn’t stop for a week, as he was missing his best bud. Cooper fully recovered and when he returned to the farm, we kept them separated. Neither one was having that. After a few weeks, we let them be together and they danced around each other and cuddled. Cooper had no hard feelings at all. You’ve never seen happier buddies. This is just one of the many odd friendships at the Funny Farm.